Five Things to Know about Backing Up Data

Five Things to Know about Backing Up Data

You know it’s important to back up your data; but perhaps you still wonder, “Why is it so bad to store data on my desktop?” The Office of Information Technology has the answer, and a few shareworthy tips.

1. First, the importance of backing up.

If something were to happen to your machine, the data on that machine would be irretrievable. You could fall victim to a weather incident, mechanical failure, theft of property, or a cyber incident such as malware or ransomware. Accidents happen. When it comes to your data, be prepared, not naïve.

2. Be empowered — not intimidated — by technology. 

Backing up is simply storing your data in a safe place. It’s that simple, and UA gives you several easy methods.

3. You’ve got options. 

UA employees are encouraged to use their personal network drives. Rather than storing content on your desktop or laptop machine, make a routine of storing documents immediately in your network drive. For a PC, the personal network drive is usually labeled as the H:\ drive on the machine. Mac users can contact the IT Service Desk for instructions on how to map the H:\ drive.

UA Box is a great option for storing data in a secure, redundant environment. All UA students, faculty and staff have access to Box’s unlimited cloud storage. To get started, visit With Box, all data is secure and encrypted in the cloud, and it can be accessed with your myBama user ID and password. This is a great option for having documents readily accessible on the go.

You can also back up data to an external hard drive. Simply plug in an external hard drive to your machine, store your data and files to the drive and then unplug it. The key to this is to unplug the external hard drive after you have finished backing up your data. Be sure to keep your external hard drive in a safe, dry place.

4. Automate your back up or set a reminder. 

Cloud storage services are automatically backed up. If you use your personal network drive or Box cloud storage, you’re already in the clear. If you prefer to back up to an external drive, set a daily or weekly calendar reminder.

5. Call OIT with questions. 

You’ve got tech experts on campus and ready to help. If you have any questions about storing your data, give OIT a call at 205-348-5555.